Interim Services
Sometimes you just need a little help – an unexpected resource shortage, a census spike, turnover or the implementation of new software that has your team scrambling to maintain the workload AND learn new software. In those situations, you need to be able to look outside your team for temporary support from qualified, experienced professionals. Before you know it, you’re the workload is backlogged, your DNFB swells and your team’s morale is in jeopardy. ComforceHealth is there to meet you at that point of need. We have a pool of hundreds of qualified, experienced professionals ready to step in to relieve your burden.
This is not a long-term commitment. You are not giving up any of your department control, you simply need support from professionals who will answer to your direction and respond to your need.
ComforceHealth can engage with you and have professionals ready in hours, rather than days or weeks. At a recent client, we sourced and placed three credentialed inpatient coders within 48 hours. Those coders were instrumental in reducing our client’s backlog from $7 million to $2 million in just 30 days. We can do the same for you.